L. Burke Files and the AACI in Jordan

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L. Burke Files and the AACI in Jordan

December 6th I gave a presentation in Jordan on behalf of the American Anti-Corruption Institute. It was a direct and blunt discussion of corruption, celebrating the launch of the Law and Governance Center (LGC) and its founder and general manager the visionary Dr. Omar Daoud and a celebration and recognition of His Majesty King Abdulla II’s visionary 6th Discussion paper on The Rule of Law in a Civil State I searched far and wide and I found no modern ruler who has taken this amount of time and thought about the importance of the Rule of Law and value of getting it right.

Here are some links to the presentation, the news coverage, and the 6th discussion paper.

Text version of 06 December Speech of L. Burke Files

Jordan Times

King Abdulla’s 6th Discussion Paper

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